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Dr. 吉塞尔Greenidge

Dr. 吉塞尔Greenidge






加入西北航空 2019



  • Ph.D. Sociology, University of North Texas
    • Concentrations – Global and Comparative Sociology, and Social Stratification
  • M.S. Merchandising, University of North Texas
  • M.S. Behavioral Sciences, Cameron University
  • B.A. International Languages, Cameron University
    • Minors – English and Political Science
  • A.A. Foreign Languages, T.A. Marryshow Community College


  • 一般社会学
  • Race and Ethnic Issues
  • Social Stratification
  • Research Methods in Social Sciences


  • 全球化
  • 文化
  • 种族和民族
  • 社会运动
  • 教育
  • 移民
  • 文本挖掘
  • 视觉人类学



Select Conference Presentations

  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. Fashion Strategies among African Americans and Foreign Blacks: A Visual Analysis. Paper Presentation at the 100th Southwestern Social Science Association Conference (Louisiana, 2021年4月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. What can Big Data tell us about Black Sentiment? Paper Presentation and Session Chair at the 46th Mid-South Sociological Association Conference (Virtual, 2020年10月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. 的 Role of Dress in the Black Community: A Visual Analysis. Paper Presentation at the 99th Southwestern Social Science Association Conference (California, 2019年10月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. 社会运动, Sentiment, and Black Male Fashion Trends. Paper Presentation at the 45th Mid-South Sociological Association Conference (Mississippi, 2019年10月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔 and Bernard Hurtault. Capturing Black Sentiment across the 20th Century. Roundtable Presentation at the 114th American Sociological Association Conference (New York, 2019年8月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. Understanding Black Sentiment across Time. Paper Presentation and Panel Chair at the 44th Mid-South Sociological Association Conference (Alabama, 2018年10月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. Factors Influencing the Dress of Black Protesters. Paper Presentation at the 98th Southwestern Social Science Association Conference (Florida, 2018年10月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. Social Mood and Fashion Consumption in New York. Roundtable Presentation at the 88th Eastern Sociological Society Conference (Maryland, 2018年2月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. A Country’s Religious Freedom and Graduate School Attendance in the U.S. Paper Presentation at the 43rd Mid-South Sociological Association Conference (Tennessee, 2017年10月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔, Shanae Jefferies, and Cassie Hudson. Motivations for Remittances. Roundtable Presentation at the 112th American Sociological Association Conference (Canada, 2017年8月). 
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. Social Media and Caribbean 文化. Paper Presentation at the 47th Annual Association of Black Sociologists Meeting (Canada, 2017年8月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔 and Bernard Hurtault. 的 Impact of Big Data Methods on Social Science Research: An Exploratory Analysis. Roundtable Presentation at the 97th Southwestern Social Science Association Conference (Texas, 2017年4月).
  • 哈德逊,卡西, 吉塞尔Greenidge, and Shanae Jefferies. 的 Role of Citizenship Status in the Formation of Latino 移民 Policy Preferences. Paper Presentation at the 15th Global Studies Association of North America Conference (Texas, 2016年6月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔. Caribbean Students Adapting to American Higher 教育. Paper Presentation at the 96th Southwestern Social Science Association Conference (Nevada, 2016年3月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔 和Erma Lawson. 的 Process of Adapting to American Higher 教育. Paper Presentation at the 41st Mid-South Sociological Association Conference (Louisiana, 2015年10月).
  • Greenidge,吉塞尔 杰西卡·斯特鲁贝尔. 的 Impact of Luxury Brand Attributes on Caribbean and African American Consumers. Paper Presentation at the Global Fashion Marketing Conference (Italy, June 2015).

Student Group Advisement

  • Co-advisor, International Student Organization (ISO)

Other Professional Experience

  • Teaching Fellow, University of North Texas
  • Legislative Fellow, 办公室 of Congressman John Lewis
  • Instructor, Anglican High School, Grenada
  • Member, American Sociological Association
  • Member, Association of Black Sociologists
  • Member, Southwestern Social Science Association
  • Member, Mid-South Sociological Association
  • Member, Society for the Study of Social Problems
  • Member, Eastern Sociological Society
  • Member, International Textile and Apparel Association